#sexyasfolk - relax:unwind

first of all, if you've found this website i want to take a minute to thank you for stopping in. if self-love is something you want to acheive, then we want the same thing and i think this will be a beautiful friendship.
if you're not too sure about this whole self-love thing but are curious and want to see it in action, then be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel as well as follow me on instrgram so you don't miss anything.
but i suppose i should introduce myself before i invite you onto this journey with me. my name is samantha. sam is fine. my journey in self-love began in 2005 and it wasn't until i lived in the woods outside of nyc in 2013 that i finally found the key that opened the door to this journey for me... to happiness: how can i expect to know when someone truly loves me for me, if i don't even love myself for me?
i found happiness when i finally loved myself outside of everything else; outside of what society had framed for me. my happiness is in my individuality. when i found that part of me again, my life got infinitely better. it wasn't an immediate change though. after all, we're in 2018 and while i'm doing far better than i could have ever hoped for i'm not where i want to be. but that's okay, because i'm getting there and i'm not stopping.
now you're probably thinking "why would i want to watch you succeed in life while i'm still treading water?" and that is a very valid question. but i'm not asking you to watch me succeed, i'm asking you to watch me so i can help you succeed. i'm going to be doing this right along with you because there's a secret to self-love:

the journey never ends.

think of me as your self-love gym buddy. it's nice to go to the gym and work out with a friend right? you get to watch them succeed at their goals while you do. that's what this is. we're accountability buddies of the self-love variety. best part is there's no gym membership fees.
so whether you're ready to start nuturing your relationship with yourself or you just want to see what this is all about, i welcome you. in my house, we #sexyasfolk

vixens + valkyries

there is nothing in this world that brings me greater joy than to show you just how amazing you are. vixens + valkyries is my outlet for that. while i am currently located in the mountains of western north carolina (oh hey there asheville), i will be relocating to central arkansas at the end of the year (more on that later). i do travel for sessions as well.

foxes and fighters

that's what we all are. every single one of us (yes, i'm including you dudes). all of us are some foxy mother fuckers who can kick some ass when needed. i want to be able to celebrate you and all of your victories. to me, that's the single best way i could spend my time.